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print() prints information about the dataset and the status of the analysis to the console. The output contains several fields: Attributes of the data (summarizing key features of the data), Analysis status (indicating the analysis functions that have been called), Analysis parameters (summarizing the analysis parameters set in set_analysis_parameters()), gRNA-to-cell assignment information (summarizing the outcome of the gRNA-to-cell assignment step), and Summary of results (summarizing the key analysis results). A subset of these fields may be printed, depending on the status of the analysis.


# S4 method for sceptre_object



a sceptre_object


the value NULL


# import data
sceptre_object <- import_data(
  response_matrix = highmoi_example_data$response_matrix,
  grna_matrix = highmoi_example_data$grna_matrix,
  grna_target_data_frame = grna_target_data_frame_highmoi,
  moi = "high",
  extra_covariates = highmoi_example_data$extra_covariates,
  response_names = highmoi_example_data$gene_names
#> An object of class sceptre_object.
#> Attributes of the data:
#>500 cells
#>100 responses
#>High multiplicity-of-infection 
#>50 targeting gRNAs (distributed across 25 targets) 
#>10 non-targeting gRNAs 
#>5 covariates (batch, grna_n_nonzero, grna_n_umis, response_n_nonzero, response_n_umis)
#> Analysis status:
#> 	 import_data()
#> 	 set_analysis_parameters()
#> 	 assign_grnas()
#> 	 run_qc()
#> 	 run_calibration_check()
#> 	 run_power_check()
#> 	 run_discovery_analysis()
#> Analysis parameters: 
#> 	• Discovery pairs: not specified
#> 	• Positive control pairs: not specified
#> 	• Sidedness of test: not specified
#> 	• Resampling mechanism: not specified
#> 	• gRNA integration strategy: not specified
#> 	• Resampling approximation: not specified
#> 	• Multiple testing adjustment: none
#> 	• N nonzero treatment cells threshold: not specified
#> 	• N nonzero control cells threshold: not specified
#> 	• Formula object: not specified