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The example low-MOI data are a small simulated dataset modeled on that in the paper "Characterizing the molecular regulation of inhibitory immune checkpoints with multimodal single-cell screens" by Papalexi et al., 2021. This dataset includes gene-targeting CRISPRko perturbations as well as non- targeting perturbations.




An object of class list of length 4.


The example data are stored in a list containing four components:

  • response_matrix: the gene-by-cell expression matrix

  • grna_matrix: the gRNA-by-cell expression matrix

  • grna_target_data_frame: a data frame containing the columns grna_id (ID of an individual gRNA) and grna_target (genomic target of the gRNA)

  • extra_covariates: a data frame with a single column, batch, specifying the batch in which each cell was sequenced (batch_1 or batch_2)